Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How are you been doing

Long time no write. OH, I had really really busy 2 weeks. Now we are invited children of Brazilian Saga lyceum and taking care for ten days. They are children of the people who emigrated to Brazil from our prefecture before and after the war. They came to the town which was a hometown of their grandparents and parents. I took them to the popular places in our prefecture, and they are enjoying a lot. They can speak English so we can communicate using English. I have no idea what they are saying when they get together and talking in Portuguese. But they are cute and having a lot of fun talking about Brazil and Japan. I worked 8:30am to 12:00am almost every weekday, and I had to work on Sat. It was hard, but was fun.

Now I am busy with editing and proofreading of a booklet now. This booklet is published once in two months. I always think about a topic of the next issue and go for coverage. Though I am busy, I am happy.

I intend to quit my job at the end of this March. Our boss is a retired employee of the prefectural office staff. He does not think about things of our duties seriously. Only he thinks about is his paid vacation and an amount of money of his salary. And that is the most important things for him. For this one year, mutual understanding among a chief of the bureau and the staff is impossible. We always argue by discrepancy of our opinion. The chief of a subsection is the same, too. These two people give the settlement for all the projects. Because our viewpoint and their viewpoints are different, we must to do a different project of intention at all. Because they are the bosses. We have to do whatever they say. In addition, this association is an affiliated organization of a prefectural government prefecture. In a budget cut, an association is reduced in the future, and it seems to be merged by some organization. Should I think about my own future? Yes I should. Seriousely. ^^

AAAnyway… how are you all? We (Japan) is having really worm winter. No snow yet.. No snow in sky resort… crazy weather…

(Picture: Korean spicy cup noodle 「辛」for lunch. Its very popular in Japan)

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